What do I need to do to watch On Demand now?

You need to use TVNZ OnDemand to watch TVNZ OnDemand shows, and just keep using Freeview On Demand to watch the other on-demand shows on your TV. 

Wondering if your TV setup can get TVNZ OnDemand?

Check your TV setup here to see if it has direct access to the TVNZ OnDemand app.  And don't worry, even on the off chance that you can't get it, you can still watch TVNZ OnDemand shows at tvnz.co.nz, and watch all the Live TV channels and the other on-demand shows, all for free, on your TV with Freeview.

Check your Recently Watched list on Freeview On Demand.

All TVNZ OnDemand shows will have to be removed on Monday 28 June, including all the TVNZ shows you've watched recently through Freeview On Demand.*

If you're partway through any TVNZ shows, it might be a good idea to check your Recently Watched list and make a note of which episode you're up to, so you can continue the series on TVNZ OnDemand after 28 June.

*The only exception is on DISH TV A2 Recorders and the Freeview app on 2016 Samsung TVs, as those devices can't update to the required software version.  Find out more about these outliers here.

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