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Tuning Instructions
Here are the instructions on how to tune in your S7070r
- Press the menu button on the remote to bring up the main menu
- Select Installation and Press Ok
- Select Factory Default and Press Ok
- Enter the pin code for the receiver (The default password is 0-0-0-0)
- Select Yes and press OK
- After the factory reset process has completed you will be prompted to select your region and press OK.
- An auto scan will start, please allow a moment to process and don't push any buttons until it has finished.
Once the scan process has completed you should have access to all channels again.
S7070r instruction manual can be found online here.
If you need any help, please contact Dish TV:
Call: 0800347488 or 07 929 4123
Email: support@dishtv.co.nz
Website: Dishtv.co.nz